Saturday, January 29, 2011


relax, it isn't my confession anyway, haha
it is acually a new Japanese movie, an interesting one for me.
The plot was a bit slow but full of curiosity of what is going to happened next. This is what I like about this movie.
It’s about the homeroom teacher who her daughter being killed by someone she believed from her class, but passed the punishment due to the juvenile law that protected the student below 14 years old. Being unsatisfied with the judgement and punishment, plus the murderers that felt no guilty at all for the worst action, she decide to punished them in her own way.
She injected a HIV blood into milks that were distributed to the students in her class. (btw the father of her daughter was a HIV patient). The contaminated milk was given to the 2 culprits. That way, she was intended to ‘teach’ a lesson of ‘LIFE’ to these students.
Then before she left that school she confessed about her action to the whole class. Later, these culprits and even the whole class felt the tension she left in the class, created a gloomy, dark environment for them.. here the stories begin even more interesting..
Happy watching! (^_^)

Friday, January 28, 2011

GeDeBaNg gEdEbUnG!!

Pagi-pagi hari ni, angin sejuk menampar-nampar pipi.....
Okay, bukan nak berpuitis sangat pun. Hehe
Sebenarnya seronok pula rasa pagi ini.. bertemankan teh tarik buatan sendiri (berasap-asap sebelah laptop ni J) tiba tiba saya rindu sangat nak balik ke Malaysia.., rasa teh tarik mak ayah macam masa berniaga kat gerai kecik kami dulu.

Teringat juga peristiwa semasa saya pulang tahun lepas, walau demam teruk waktu itu (ditambah pula emosi tersembunyi yg sangat tak stabil, tp dpt ‘dihidu’ mak ayah juga akhirnya.. huhu) , saya pernah keluar bersama kaknor dan kawannya, abg epul.
Erk.. kekok la panggil ‘abang’. Sebab saya sebenarnya tak cakap sangat dengannya, kalau cakap pun tak ada pula sebut2 namanya. Haha. Tak tahulah ini baik atau tidak, saya memang tak reti sangatlah dengan mereka2 ni.. nasib baik epul tu peramah juga (mungkin sebab dia selalu dengar cerita tentang saya dari kaknor). Saya pun rasa boleh juga sembang-sembang dengannya sebab banyak dengar cerita tentangnya dari kaknor.
Nak dijadikan cerita msa saya tiba di airport, ramai saudara-mara saya datang menjemput saya. Wah, memang terharu betul. Dan saya rasa bersalah sebab tak bawa pulang buah tangan yang cukup untuk semua dari india. Jadi untuk menebus rasa bersalah dan nak berterima kasih kepada mereka, saya bercadang nak belanja mereka satay kajang hj samuri.
Esoknya kakno dan saya keluar, lepas jenguk tokwan (arwah) di hospital kami pulang ke rumah untuk solat asar dan epul pun sampai. Naik kereta epul, epul drive kami ke mana saja kami nak pergi petang itu.
“GEDEBANG!!”  6biji mata memandang saya (kaknor 4 mata, epul 2 mata hehe). Kaknor dan epul pandang memandang.
“Opss.. sori. Kat india kereta dia kene tutup kuat-kuat” malunya saya, terkeluar ayat tu nk cover malu.
Epul dan kaknor ketawa besar. Epul geram juga, kereta dia kot... haha sori epul.
Bila kat kedai hj samuri saya tutup dengan hati-hati, tapi terlebih lembut pulak jadinya pintu tu tak rapat. Kali ke 3 baru berjaya. Aduhh..
Masa kami shopping kat giant, sekali lagi masa turun kereta gedebang lagi. Terus epul berseloroh,
“ha, lepas ni kalau gedebang lagi tinggal sini, naik bas balik!”
“Sori.. sori” kata saya lagi, ketawa-ketawa kami semua
Habis shopping kaknor tak percayakan saya, dia tutupkan pintu saya sebelum dia naik. Ok, memang saya malu gila dengan epul tu.
Saya tak tahulah macam mana saya balik bulan 2 ni nanti saya masih ‘gedebang-gedebang’ lagi atau tak. Kalau tak habislah saya, sebab nanti kereta kaknor la pulak yg jadi mangsa. hehhehehe

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Sometimes, there are things that do not need any explanation. It just needs to be understood, although it may takes some times.
And somehow I do not understand why I am so capable of those things; because somehow it makes me sick.
Because I am the one who always did, but others don’t. Just don’t. *sigh*

Thursday, January 20, 2011

GiFtS (^_^)

Family is the best, don’t you think so? Hehe
I was so glad after hearing from my parents that my lil bro who was so arrogant to admit before my eyes that he loves my gifts actually did tell my parents he loves that SAHARA jersey that I bought last time when I went back to Malaysia. Haha
In fact, nowadays he was wearing it TOO OFTEN just because many people back in Malaysia was amazed with that jersey. p/s- esp the Indians J
 Adoii.. bangcik..bangcik..
And as for my parents, I can’t wait for the holiday. My sister and I was planning to go to Genting Highland (her treat) and I was about to buy something for them here. I know gifts doesn’t matter much, but I just feel want to give them something.
Really, I can’t wait. :D
p/s- but I need someone help me pick up the right one for my dad. I’m bad when it comes to ‘guy things’ haha. Even though my dad said he always likes whatever I gave him, but now I had a thought;

“this is bad. I might face problem in the future when it is time for me to buy something for my husband”
Hahahhahah. Yeah..yeah.. I know, what a thought. LOL btw, thanks to khairul and syazwan who help me buy that SAHARA jersey. J

BaNyAk uDaNg..

banyak udang banyak garam, banyak orang banyak ragam
Saya tak faham satu perkara.
Suka atau tidak, kita telan semua.
Suka atau tidak, itu adalah kenyataan yg harus diterima
Hidup di kalangan manusia yg pelbagai ragam benar-benar menguji kita sebagai seorang manusia dan sebagai hamba Nya.
Sungguh saya tak faham, mengapa wujudnya manusia yg bagai talam dua muka. Dengan orang lain bukan main imej “baik” dan “mesra” dipamerkan. Bahkan ramai sekali rakan taulan. Tetapi kenapa sukar benar menjalin ukhwah dengan yg berdekatan? Sehingga boleh pula timbul isu mereka yg berdekatan dengan manusia ini kononnya sungguh “kurang baik” dan “kurang mesra”, lebih-lebih lagi terhadap manusia ini. terpalit sudah imej buruk pada kita, orang yg sedaya upaya menyimpan segala keaibannya.
Baik buruknya, baik buruk kita juga. Maka keaibannya keaiban kita juga. Itulah ukhwah yg sebenarnya, adalah WAJIB bagi kita memelihara maruah setiap saudara kita.
Walaupun pahit untuk ditelan, tetapi itulah saudara kita. Saudara SEISLAM kita.
Apalah agaknya yg bisa dilakukan? – pernah orang bertanya kepada saya.
Saya buntu dengan idea jika anda yg mengalami masalah ini bertanya kepada saya. Tapi yg dapat saya katakan saat ini, bersabarlah, pasti ada hikmahnya. Dan jangan lupa juga berdoa supaya orang yg kita sayangkan ukhwah dengannya itu tahu betapa kita menyayangi ukhwah ini.

p/s- quote hari ini adalah:

bersih itu cantik, Allah suka pada kebersihan :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Just like yesterday. hehe

Just like yesterday I was thinking something about this
I can’t believe that I really been ‘into’ it
I can’t believe that I almost let it out of the bag to mom and dad
Almost..very close when I grab the phone and call for home
My heart beat faster; I can hear the lubb-dupp sound very clearly
But unluckily luckily my lil bro answered my called
He told me that mom and dad weren’t at home
And then I ended the phone call
After 5mins I kept thinking about it
I feel my face become pink
*I am embarrassed to myself*
I asked myself, “what on earth are you thinking, nai’mah oiiii!!”
I told sarah about this just now.
Both of us was laughing crazily
Hahaha. LOL. I don’t know if I’ll really do it next time.
Let’s hope for the best. *wink wink* (=^_^=)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

i just can't resist.

Yes I am crazy. I did not sleep yet. At about 6.30am I just finished watching Korean series whilst pile of homework and revisions are waiting for me. I once thought that I am crazy doing this kind of thing. I did think other options that I can do, but non of them really gain my interest.
I tried to restrain myself from watching movies or at least reduce the number of movies I watch in A DAY but it won’t last long.  After all, am I too weak? *sigh*
But I come to realise, watching movies really become my ‘thing’. I can no longer do my old hobbies. I can no longer cheer myself up with those things though I admit; I missed doing those a lot. A lot.
What I like about this movies thing?
It always teaches me some improtant things about life. Say it cartoon or anime. It always does.  Although some of them turn out to be useless to watch. I like ghost, adventures and mysteries movies the most because I like to watch how creative people in producing such stories. Mind thrilling and Nerve wrecking. Romantic movies turn out to be cliché most of the time with some censored scene that I hate the most.
I’m thinking allowing myself to watch movies, but I do have to control the addiction. Studies. That all matters the most, right? Knowing my priority and work on it. Pray,then leaves the rest to HIM.
I think that’s all for now. Its 6.35am now, I need to take a nap sleep for sometimes before I get back to my senses. hehe

Friday, January 14, 2011

I wiLL

Sometimes I was wondering why I kept doing this.
Whether it makes me feel pleasant or what?
Whether it makes me feel good?
And guess what? For all of the questions I asked myself, I ended up with a big “NO”
I was wondering why I was the one kept starting thing. Kept approaching my friends while they weren’t. I was the one who was like; about 98% will be the one who greeted my friends and started the conversation at IM. Or skype. Whatever you guys called so.
I hate it, you know.. because it makes me feel like.. like I was desperate to talk to them. Or in bahasa pasar we called it as “terhegeh-hegeh
But deep inside my heart.. Sincerely, I do, really want to talk to them
Well, actually I greeted them because I want the friendship go on.  I want to catch up things with them. And what did I get in return?
the feeling even worse if the chat ended without a single sayonara
Maybe I should stop.
Yeah. I should stop greeting them the way I did. I will. i willstop greeting them..
I wiLL sToP. ItS KiNdA PrOmIsE oF MiNe..
p/s- I think I know why I felt so. Maybe it’s because I forget to put HIM in this little thing I’ve done. . i regretted it. I need to rethink. Rethink, NAI’MAH!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


ok. right at this exact time, i feel like a big looser. feel like being fool. feel pathetic.

i can't win the situation. i don't ever know whether it is the right thing to do, to let everthing go and let everything happen. my heart aches everytime i think about it. why they never think what would i feel upon their action?

i just hope they think about Allah before doing anything. Allah, please keep me strong. T_T

tAk tErkAtA

Hidup ni macam roda. Klise. Semua orang tahu itu.
Benci tu penyakit hati. Klise juga.
Cinta itu buta.
p/s- kalau cinta berlandaskan nafsu semata sememangnya begitu. Tapi kalau cinta kerana Allah, cinta kita penuh dengan cahaya yg menerangi jiwa, mencelikkan mata.
Itu quote untuk hari ini. semakin banyak perkara bermain di fikiran, semakin saya perlukan masa untuk menyusunnya satu demi satu dan bersusaha mencari jalan penyelesaian bagi setiap satunya. Mencari hikmah dan rahmat yg tersembunyi dengan hati , dan wajah yg tenang.
Semakin saya pendekkan post juga, kerana begitu banyak ingin diceritakan tapi tak tercapai lantaran fikiran ini masih tidak punya kata yg boleh disampaikan dari jiwa saya kepada jiwa pembaca.
Bukan bermakna saya ini seorang yang problematic, tapi saya bersyukur kerana Allah masih memandang saya sebagai hambaNya, maka kerana itu ujian2 ini diberikan kepada saya J moga saya bisa ketemu segala yg baik dari semua ‘RAHMATNYA” ..

tUrtLe bAy

25 december 2010
Usrah group saya ke turtle bay!
Nampaknya memang off day betul! *suka*
Kami main air, panjat batu, istana pasir,dan yg paling best, picniccccccccccccc..!!!
Wowowow!! Seriously, banyak betul makanan . ok hari ni dan semalam dah rehat sgt2, tak sentuh buku pn, kalau sentuh dalam 15min je, so sekarang nk urus diri dan mula belajar. harapnyalah. hehe